French Artists, Spreading Cuteness Through Art
We are open for commission. You want to know more about our prices or what we can do? Just use the links!

You want to know more about us and see our art? You want to reach us for a commission? Or you just need to message us?
Follow the link!
Terms & Conditions
Please read our Terms and Conditions before commissioning us.
Commission prices

We offer a large selection of different art types to suit as many demands as we can:
- Single drawings, both full bodies and headshots
- Comic pages
- Frame-less sequences
- Reference sheet
For more information on all these art types, click on the button below
All our prices are up-to-date on the 01/10/2022
Base prices
In this table are listed all the base prices for our arts. Please read carefully the details to know what is included in the price or not.
Tier | Full body | Headshot | Comic page (a) | Frame-less Sequence (b) |
Sketch | 12€ | 7€ | 11€ | 15€ |
Flat colours | 27€ | 16€ | 20€ | 30€ |
Cel shading | 35€ | 21€ | 24€ | 38€ |
Full shading | 45€ | 27€ | 28€ | 47€ |
(a) Price per panel, each page can be 4 to 7 panels. The price includes 2 characters.
(b) Price per image, 3 images minimum per sequence, no upper limit. The price includes 2 characters.
Additional fees
Extra Character: 75% of the base price per character and per appearence (e.g. per panel).
Complex character: up to 100% of the base price.
Character without a design (except for ref sheets): up to 75%.
Bulges in a big belly (no internal): 25% per character inside the belly.
Internal view of a character: Same as Extra character + Detailed background (depending on the content of the internal view)
Simple colour or gradient background: Free.
Objects or detailed background: 10 to 75% of the base price.
Private picture: percentage depending on the idea
Alternative version: percentage depending on the nature of the alternate version.
Reference sheets
Only available in Flat colors.
Prices are for symetrical poses. For custom non-symetrical poses, please enquire.
Full body view: 28€ for the first view, 14€ per additional full view.
Headshot : 17€ for the first view, 8.50€ per additional headshot.
Prices include: Name, color keys, eventual description text (to be provided by the customer), and coloured background.
For objects or detailed background, please enquire.

Please read our Terms and Conditions before commissioning us.
Do & Do not
You can find here the list of all the things we are able and / or willing to draw.
Please keep in mind that (1) this list is only to guide you, and we strongly recommend to discuss your idea with us to make sure we can draw it, and (2) we will not draw any of the Do's in any setting that is illegal in regards of both international and local laws.
Human, Anthros (furries, scalies, etc.), Pokémons, Feral, MLP characters
Cub (SFW)
Imitating someone else's artstyle. for instance it is allowed if it is required to recognize the characters (e.g. Sonic)
Protogen, cyborgs
Hyper, either breast, genitals or rump. The proportional shall remain biologically possible.
Foot play, including stuffing in shoes.
Complicated vehicles, weapons & armors
These list are not exhaustive. If you are looking for something you cannot find here, please contact us.
Art gallery
You want to discover more of our art? Then the following links are here for you!
COMMission progress
You can track our progress on our commission - including yours - at anytime by going on our Trello page.
social media
You want to contact us directly or follow us? Everything is just here for you!
Terms & Conditions
In order to commission us, you must accept to comply with the following Terms and Conditions throughout the whole commission process.
Failure to comply might result in (1) commission being dropped without guarantee of refund, and (2) a temporary or permanent ban from commissioning us in the future.
1/ General
Commissions can only be taken if the customer approves the following set of rules. It is the responsibility of the customer(s) to read all these rules before commissioning, and all rules will be considered as read and accepted as soon as the price of the commission has been agreed by both the customer(s) and the artists.
The customer(s) must be at least 18 years old. No sale can be made with minors.
Unless the artists specifically agree to it, the artists will only sell digital art to the customer(s). No other format can be expected.
The artists have the right to refuse any commission, whether because of its content, including the characters, own availability or because of the customer(s)' attitude.
The artists’ Original Characters (OCs) are available as possible characters for commissions, as long as the point 1d. is respected.
Cancellation of the commission due to a change in mind of the customer(s) or its consequences is discussed and covered in points 5e to 5g.
If the customer(s) refuse to make the full payment under the conditions given in part 5 or breach any of the other rules listed here, a permanent ban will be applied for the customer(s). Following trade agreements with other artists, the behaviour of the customer(s) can be communicated to the artists' collaborators.
Commission slots are given on a ‘first arrived, first served’ basis. The first customer to have his idea approved and to accept the terms listed might be served first.
Following point 1h, a customer replying too slowly for the work-in-progress checkpoints might be served after a customer replying faster.
2/ Communication and group orders
It is the responsability of the customer(s) to ensure that all the features of the commission are provided explicity in written form to the artist(s). The customer(s) also have to provide as many details as possible; e.g. text description or image reference (partial or total) of the characters, objects or background, panel-by-panel plot.
Failure to provide the necessary information or material, resulting in modifications to the work in progress, may result in additional fees, in proportion to the changes required.
The customer(s) are encouraged to discuss with the artists any missing or uncertain information to prevent additionnal fees.
Group commissions between more than 2 customer(s) and the artists for a single art are accepted under the strict condition that all the organisation, including the communication of the idea and of the opinion of all members of the group, is the full responsibility of the customer(s).
The artists recommend the customer(s) taking a group commission to name one person of the group as their representant to bear the responsibility of the communication and ensure everyone gives clearance.
When providing an answer on behalf of someone else, any member of the group is taking the full responsibility of the answer provided. The artists cannot be blamed for accepting the answer provided in such way.
Any disagreements between members of a group commissions are to be solved solely between the customer(s) and not by the artists. Any change following a disagreement within the group is the entire responsibility of the group and might be charged by the artists if it leads to extra work.
The artists will provide work-in-progress preview of the commission throughout the production to ensure that the commission meet the demand of the customer(s).
The customer(s) are able to request minor changes during the production of the art in order to ensure that the commission meet their demand. Changes requested has to comply with the point 1d.
However, following point 2a, 2b, changes requested in point 2e which are a result of a conflict with the previous demands made by the customer(s) might result in additional fees, up to the full price of the elements that are required to be edited
During the work-in-progress review, all changes must be provided at once before the artists get clearance start working on the modification and/or next step. Additional change requested after clearance is initially given by the customer(s) can result in extra fees.
Moreover, excessive repetitive minor changes or significant major changes may be charged with extra fees to compensate for the excessive cost in time spent on the art.
3/ Schedule and Behaviour
The artist(s) can be reached using any of the website or social media provided in the contact us section of the website, namely: Twitter, Discord, Derpibooru, InkBunny, Eka's Portal and FurAffinity. The artist aims at answering all query within 1 business day time.
The artist(s) can only ensure work during "office hours", Monday to Friday from 10AM to 4PM (BST), excluding days off and vacations. While the artist(s) can be contacted any time outside these hours, they cannot guarantee a fast answer.
Any specific schedule or deadline can be accepted upon special request (e.g., birthday present) and only under strict approval from the artists. Any deadline should be strictly notified before the commission is started, and depending on the circumstances an extra fee might be charged.
Communication between the artists and the customer(s) is expected to follow the usual standard etiquette of civilised communication. Politeness has to be observed by both the customer(s) and the artists.
The artists being non-native speakers, it is expected from the customer(s) to behave in a way that will help the artist to understand the whole order being raised.
In case of excessive rudeness, the artists has the right to stop any work being done for the customer(s) at the moment of the offense.
Any change or modification of the commission in its content and/or schedule has to be immediately notified to the artists. Refer to 5d to 5f for complete cancellation of the commission.
Point 3e does not affect in any way the conditions under which the customer(s) are supposed to pay for the commission, as described in part 5.
Any concern or problem regarding the commission has to be discuss with the artist(s) directly before anything. In the event where the customer(s) use social media to blackmail the artist(s) or spread rumors, the customer(s) will be blacklisted.
4/ Intellectual Property
The artists shall not claim intellectual property on any character which is not listed as one of their Original Characters (OCs).
The customer(s) shall not claim intellectual property on any OC from the artists, or on any character which is not part of the customer(s)’ OCs.
The customer(s) shall not claim the art as their own art, nor dispossess the artists from their work by claiming they were not the creators of it.
It is tolerated by the artist(s) that the customer(s) can modify the art they have commissioned for their own use. However, the artist(s) do not allow for any modified art to be published and/or shared publicly.
The exception to the modifications made by the customer(s) allowed in point 3d is the modification of the art to be used as a base or your-character-here (YCH) model. Both applications are strictly forbidden by the artist(s), even for non-commercial uses.
As a consequence of point 4c, and despite point 4d, it is strictly forbidden to modify and/or remove the signature of the artist(s) or any element that can connect the art to them.
Regardless of the modifications allowed through points 4d to 4f planned by the customer(s), it is strictly forbidden to commission another artist to do the modification of the commission. Only modifications made by the customer(s) themselves are tolerated.
Unless otherwise specified, commissioned works do not grant any additional intellectual property rights, not established or present prior to the commission, to either the artists or the customer(s).
Any commercial use of the commission(s) made by the artist(s) shall strictly be discussed before any of the work is started. Strict limitations of usage and eventual additional fees are to be discussed between the artist(s) and the customer(s).
In addition to points 4d to 4i, any use of the commission shall be strictly made in accordance with all the local and international rules and laws.
5/ Payment and Cancellation
All payment have to be made before the artists start to work on the commission.
Full payment has to be provided in one time. Partial payment can only be requested when the commission is made of several pages, in which case the artists will be working on one page at the time.
The drawing will not be started until payment is provided.
For the payment of group commission, the artists recommend the group to select one member of the group who will receive the money from the other members and pay the artists in one time. If the group prefers that each member pay separately, an extra fee can be requested to compensate for the increasing PayPal fees in such type of multiple transactions.
Full cancellation is only permitted before the work has been started on the commission, or if the very first work-in-progress sketch has been totally refused and if the customer(s) do not wish to proceed further.
In the event of a full cancellation after payment, only the payment received by the artists (i.e., after deduction of the PayPal fees) can be refunded.
Once the first work-in-progress sketch has been approved, the customer(s) are only allowed to cancel any upcoming change on the drawing (e.g. inking, shading, coloring). All the previous work, including the work-in-progress stage and any extra modification, will be charged and should be paid by the customer(s).
In case of cancellation or change, the customer(s) have to notify the artists immediately. Late notification cannot prevent further modification from being charged to the customer(s).
Following point 2, non-charged cancellation cannot be claimed if the dislikes come from the artists being forced to guess details not provided by the customer(s).
No discount can be claimed by the customer(s) if it has not been advertised by the artists beforehand. Strict conditions as given within the discount will be observed.
Advertisement and/or exposure is already taken into account on the displayed and given prices. No additional discount for exposure will be granted.
As a consequence of point 5k, keeping the drawing private and/or secret will increase the price of the art by a fee to compensate for the lack of exposure. The amount of the fee will be calculated by the artists, based on the complexity and expected exposure the art would have gained if it would have been made public.
The customer(s) have to notify that they want the art to remain private before the commission is accepted. Late notification will only be tolerated before the payment is made. After that, the fees will increase to compensate for the late notification.
In case of a late notification, if the customer(s) do not accept to pay for the privacy fees, the artists keep the right to publish it in his galleries.
Payment via Paypal invoices only. The customer(s) are required to provide an email address at which the invoice will be send to.
Current version: 23/10/2022
Previous version available on this link.
Terms & Conditions
Please note that this version of the Terms & Conditions is outdated and has been replaced with the one at this link.
This old version is only provided to allow existing customers to check what has changed between the previous version and the current one.
1/ General
Commissions can only be taken if the customer approves the following set of rules. It is the responsibility of the customer(s) to read all these rules before commissioning, and all rules will be considered as read and accepted as soon as the price of the commission has been agreed by both the customer(s) and the artists.
The customer(s) must be at least 18 years old. No sale can be made with minors.
Unless the artists specifically agree to it, the artists will only sell digital art to the customer(s). No other format can be expected.
The customer(s) have to provide as many details as possible; e.g. description or reference (partial or total) of the characters, objects or background, panel-by-panel plot. Failure to provide sufficient material can result in additionnal fees.
The customer(s) are encouraged to discuss with the artists any missing or uncertain information to prevent the additionnal fees.
The artists have the right to refuse any commission, whether because of its content, including the characters, own availability or because of the customer(s)' attitude.
The artists’ Original Characters (OCs) are available as possible characters for commissions, as long as the point 1e. is respected.
The artists will provide work-in-progress preview of the commission throughout the production to ensure that the commission meet the demand of the customer(s).
The customer(s) are able to request minor changes during the production of the art in order to ensure that the commission meet their demand, as long as the content is accepted by the artist under the condition(s) given in point 1e. However, excessive repetitive minor changes or significant major changes may be charged with extra fees to compensate for the excessive cost in time spent on the art.
Cancellation of the commission due to a change or its consequences is discussed and covered in points 4d to 4f.
If the customer(s) refuse to make the full payment under the conditions given in part 4 or breach any of the other rules listed here, a permanent ban will be applied for the customer(s). Following trade agreements with other artists, the behaviour of the customer(s) can be communicated to the artists' collaborators.
Commission slots are given on a ‘first arrived, first served’ basis. The first customer to have his idea approved and to accept the terms listed might be served first.
Following point 1l, a customer replying too slowly for the work-in-progress checkpoints might be served after a customer replying faster.
Following point 1d and 1i, modifications occurring because of a lack of reference or a difference between a reference and what is desired but not explained properly can be charged up to the full price of the elements that are required to be edited.
2/ Schedule, Communication and Behaviour
Any specific schedule or deadline can be accepted upon special request (e.g. birthday present) and only under strict approval from the artists. Any deadline should be strictly notified before the commission is started.
The artists can only try to complete the commission as soon as possible but cannot promise nor assure it will be done in any given time, even if a deadline has been agreed upon. Any specific deadline is just an estimation and the customer(s) cannot request any discount for being late.
Communication between the artists and the customer(s) is expected to follow the usual standard etiquette of civilised communication. Politeness has to be observed by both the customer(s) and the artists.
In case of excessive rudeness, the artists has the right to stop any work being done for the customer(s) at the moment of the offense.
Any change or modification of the commission in its content and/or schedule has to be immediately notified to the artists. Refer to 4d to 4f for complete cancellation of the commission.
Point 2d does not affect in any way the conditions under which the customer(s) are supposed to pay for the commission, as described in part 4.
3/ Intellectual Property
The artists shall not claim intellectual property on any character which is not listed as one of their Original Characters (OCs).
The customer(s) shall not claim intellectual property on any OC from the artists, or on any character which is not part of the customer(s)’ OCs.
The customer(s) shall not claim the art as their own art, nor dispossess the artists from their work by claiming they were not the creators of it.
It is tolerated by the artist(s) that the customer(s) can modify the art they have commissioned for their own use. However, the artist(s) do not allow for any modified art to be published and/or shared publicly.
The exception to the modifications made by the customer(s) allowed in point 3d is the modification of the art to be used as a base or your-character-here (YCH) model. Both applications are strictly forbidden by the artist(s), even for non-commercial uses.
As a consequence of point 3c, and despite point 3d, it is strictly forbidden to modify and/or remove the signature of the artist(s) or any element that can connect the art to them.
Regardless of the modifications allowed through points 3d to 3f planned by the customer(s), it is strictly forbidden to commission another artist to do the modification of the commission. Only modifications made by the customer(s) themselves are tolerated.
In general, purchasing an art from the artists does not grant any additional right on the intellectual property toward the artists nor the customer(s) which was not established prior to the commission.
Any commercial use of the commission(s) made by the artist(s) shall strictly be discussed before any of the work is started. Strict limitations of usage and eventual additional fees are to be discussed between the artist(s) and the customer(s).
In addition to points 4d to 4i, any use of the commission shall be strictly made in accordance with all the local and international rules and laws.
4/ Payment and Cancellation
All payment have to be made before the artists start to work on the commission.
Full payment has to be provided in one time. Partial payment can only be requested when the commission is made of several pages, in which case the artists will be working on one page at the time.
The drawing will not be started until payment is provided.
Full cancellation is only permitted before the work-in-progress sketch has been submitted, or if the work-in-progress sketch has been totally refused and if the customer(s) do not wish to proceed further.
Once the work-in-progress sketch has been approved, the customer(s) are only allowed to cancel any upcoming change on the drawing (e.g. inking, shading, coloring). All the previous work, including the work-in-progress sketch, will be charged and should be paid by the customer(s).
In case of cancellation, the customer(s) have to notify the artists immediately. Late notification cannot prevent further modification from being charged to the customer(s).
Following point 1c, non-charged cancellation cannot be claimed if the dislikes come from the artists being forced to guess details not provided by the customer(s).
No discount can be claimed by the customer(s) if it has not been advertised by the artists beforehand. Strict conditions as given within the discount will be observed.
Advertisement and/or exposure is already taken into account on the displayed and given prices. No additional discount for exposure will be granted.
As a consequence of point 4j, keeping the drawing private and/or secret will increase the price of the art by a fee to compensate for the lack of exposure. The amount of the fee will be calculated by the artists, based on the complexity and expected exposure the art would have gained if it would have been made public.
The customer(s) have to notify that they want the art to remain private before the commission is accepted. Late notification will only be tolerated before the payment is made. After that, the fees will increase to compensate for the late notification.
In case of a late notification, if the customer(s) do not accept to pay for the privacy fees, the artists keep the right to publish it in his galleries.
Payment via Paypal invoices only. The customer(s) are required to provide an email address at which the invoice will be send to.
available types of art
Single drawings
Single drawings are illustration of a single scene. Available with or without background, each single drawing only include 1 character in its base price.
Single drawings are available as both full bodies and headshots, perfect for profile pictures or mawshot.
It is of course possible to order multiple single drawings to illustrate the same story with multiple characters in them.

Comic pages
Comic pages are made of several panels, enclosed in solid frames with a defined border and put together to tell a story over 1 or multiple pages. Each page can contain from 4 to 7 panels. The price does only depend on the number of panels, not of page.
Frame-less Full body Sequences
Frame-less Sequences are in between single drawings and comics: they are a series 3+ individual drawings on the same page, without any panel/border between them.
Unlike comic pages, since there are no space constrain, all characters will be made full body.
Single drawings, comic page, or frame-less sequence?
Having trouble deciding if you need a comic page, frame-less sequence or multiple single drawings for your idea?
The comparitive table below will help you.
Feature | Single drawing | Comic | Sequence |
Character(s) included? | 1 | 2 | 2 |
All views full body? | Yes | No (a) | Yes |
Simple background? (b) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Complex background? | Yes | Yes | No |
Multiple pages | Yes | Yes | No |
Minimum per page? | 1 | 4 | 3 |
Maximum per page? | 1 | 7 | None |
(a) Due to space constrain, we cannot ensure that all views in a comic can be full body as the content has to adapt to the dynamic of the story.
(b) A simple background refers to either a plain or gradient color.
Reference sheet
We can also provide reference sheet of your favorite original character.
The prices include, if requested, the name, the color key, am eventual description text and a coloured background, gradient or not. The background will be in our style (see our examples), but you can always chose the colours and shapes you prefer.

We only do flat colour refsheet.
Our prices are for symetrical poses (see the example with the green mouse). For custom poses, an extra price might be charged.
For other details, e.g., symbols, objects, other body parts, or custom background, please enquire.